東信さんのインスタグラム写真 - (東信Instagram)「New Year’s decoration, Shimekazari, 2021   There is a Japanese traditional custom from the ancient times called “Shimekazari” which people place across the top of the entrance to a house to welcome New Year. New Year is such a special day to Japanese since it welcomes the “Toshigami-sama”, the deity of the incoming year and brings a rich harvest and health, to a home. A sacred rice straw festoon, called Shimenawa, indicates sacred areas, and Shimekazari refers to a decoration made by decorating Shimenawa with lucky charms such as ear of rice plant and bitter orange. By decorating the entrance with Shimekazari, it has been believed that it wards off evil spirits and also grants power and happiness to live. It is one of the unique cultures in Japan which believes god resides in everything that is closely connected nature.   Each charm used for decoration has its own meaning, such as Bitter orange means “May it prosper for generations” A fern with white-backed leave means “May I spend a year with honest and pure heart” False Daphne means “May it bring descendants prosperity” Kelp means “to joy” Ise lobster means “to wish for perennial youth and long life” People combine various lucky charms and wish for an incoming New Year to be filled with peace and happiness. The year 2020 was such a challenging year which no one has ever expected.   We wish everyone the year 2021 will be a great year, so we give you “Shimekazari” as a small present. Let’s bring in good luck together by printing it out and place it at the entrance to decorate or set it as your cell phone’s wallpaper.   日本では古来から新しい年を迎える際に玄関先に「しめ飾り」を飾る風習がある。 お正月は日本人にとって「年神様」と言われる豊作や健康をもたらす神様を家庭に迎える特別な日。神聖な場所を示すしめ縄に稲穂や橙などの縁起物をつけたお飾りのことを指し、玄関に飾ることで災いが外から入ることを防ぎ、生きる力や幸せを授けてくれると考えられている。万物に神が宿るという自然と密接につながる日本独特の文化の一端である。   お飾りそれぞれには意味があり、 橙は「代々繁栄しますように」 裏白は「裏表のない清らかな心で一年を過ごせますように」 ゆずり葉は「子孫が途絶えないように」 昆布は「喜ぶ」 伊勢海老は「不老長寿」を祈り 様々な縁起物を組み合わせ、来たる一年の平和と幸せを招き入れるよう願いが込められる。   誰もが予想しなかった厳しい一年となった2020年。2021年は皆にとって素晴らしい一年となるよう、ささやかながら私たちからの「しめ飾り」をプレゼントします。プリントアウトして玄関先に飾り、携帯の待ち受けにしたり、皆で福を呼び込みましょう。  #amkk #azumamakoto #shiinokishunsuke #newyear #2021 #shimekazari #東信 #椎木俊介 #東信花樹研究所 #しめ飾り #makotoazuma」12月27日 22時58分 - azumamakoto

東信のインスタグラム(azumamakoto) - 12月27日 22時58分

New Year’s decoration, Shimekazari, 2021

There is a Japanese traditional custom from the ancient times called “Shimekazari” which people place across the top of the entrance to a house to welcome New Year.
New Year is such a special day to Japanese since it welcomes the “Toshigami-sama”, the deity of the incoming year and brings a rich harvest and health, to a home. A sacred rice straw festoon, called Shimenawa, indicates sacred areas, and Shimekazari refers to a decoration made by decorating Shimenawa with lucky charms such as ear of rice plant and bitter orange. By decorating the entrance with Shimekazari, it has been believed that it wards off evil spirits and also grants power and happiness to live. It is one of the unique cultures in Japan which believes god resides in everything that is closely connected nature.

Each charm used for decoration has its own meaning, such as
Bitter orange means “May it prosper for generations”
A fern with white-backed leave means “May I spend a year with honest and pure heart”
False Daphne means “May it bring descendants prosperity”
Kelp means “to joy”
Ise lobster means “to wish for perennial youth and long life”
People combine various lucky charms and wish for an incoming New Year to be filled with peace and happiness.
The year 2020 was such a challenging year which no one has ever expected.

We wish everyone the year 2021 will be a great year, so we give you “Shimekazari” as a small present.
Let’s bring in good luck together by printing it out and place it at the entrance to decorate or set it as your cell phone’s wallpaper.






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