ファーン・マッキャンのインスタグラム(fernemccann) - 1月1日 00時03分

Happy 3️⃣0️⃣th my darling @サム・フェアーズ 💙.
Wow it’s been emotional looking back at all of these pics. So many laughs, parties & special times made. You my darling have given me so many memories that I will cherish forever. I can’t believe I’m here wishing you a happy 30th hahaha the dirrrrrty thirties. I am grateful to your kindness, your smile, your advice & your friendship. Thankyou baby. Happy Birthday. How can the ultimate party girl not celebrate her 30th with me 😢😢😢??? ohhhhhh my girl when we can we will celebrate BIG! Love you x


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