ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama) - 1月5日 05時36分

Your vote is your voice. It’s your power. And right now, from the President of the United States on down, we’re seeing and hearing just how desperate some are to take that power away. They want us to believe that their titles, their offices, and their egos are more important than our democracy—more important than our voices. And this is just unconscionable at a time when a staggering number of Americans are dying every day from a virus that was downplayed for far too long. It’s unconscionable to focus on overturning an election rather than helping struggling families or distributing a vaccine.

This is why we can’t just vote for President and think that our job is done. Tomorrow’s runoffs in Georgia will decide whether the U.S. Senate is run by those who’ve shown their willingness to tear down our democracy—or whether it’ll be run by those who will actually get to work on the monumental challenges before us. These runoffs will decide whether President-Elect Biden has a Senate that will work with him rather than just obstruct him at every turn.

So if Georgians elect @RaphaelWarnock and @JonOssoff, we’ll take another step toward cleaning up the mess of the past four years. And we’ll send a message to any politician who puts themselves and their ambition above our system of self-government. If you live in Georgia, make sure you vote for @RaphaelWarnock and @JonOssoff in tomorrow’s U.S. Senate runoffs—and make sure everybody you know does the same. If you’ve already received a mail-in ballot, take it to a drop-box or vote in person at your polling place tomorrow. Because in America, everyone’s voice matters. And that’s still the truth, no matter what some folks want you to believe.


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