Rylaiのインスタグラム(jabcecc) - 1月10日 03時59分

Lena isn’t the only one that loves belly rubs.... Yuri loves his belly rubs too!! In fact, as you can hear in this video, they will each come up and try to get my attention to give them scratches and love. Usually they do this by pulling on your clothes or mouthing your hand. We are teaching them that there is enough love to go around and even mouthing softly isn’t going to be okay. Since they all lived together for the first ~8ish months of their lives, they tend to bicker for human attention, some more bold than the others. Some of the younger or smaller ones are a bit more shy and we will be giving them a lot of one on one socialization and training to increase their confidence.
Foxes really aren’t pack animals, but they are not territorial like Tigers are.... so our babies are happy and okay in their skulk- but we do separate them out of the group for smaller group interactions with each other and people.
We are very excited about the group of trainers that have stepped up to volunteer to work with them! This has never been done before, as we are the only center in the world to have so many of these Russian domesticated foxes.... (aside from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics), and we are very excited to explore their behavior in a much more robust manner.
And how many people are excited to watch these babies learn and be happy foxes!!
#foxes #yuri #russianfoxes #russian #jabcecc #trainingafox #training #dogtraining #dogtrainers #nosework #volunteer #nonprofit #workingfoxes #happy #animals #animal #animallovers #animallover #fox #platinum #russiandomesticatedfox #belyaev


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