アシュリー・ケインのインスタグラム(mrashleycain) - 1月17日 18時55分

We have finally found a donor for our beautiful little girl! 🥲🙏🏾❤️
It’s hard to put into words how grateful we’re are for everyone that’s supported, shared and registered to be a donor to help save Azaylia’s life. Thank you to EVERYONE! It’s truly overwhelming! ✊🏾
However, after Azaylia’s second round of chemotherapy, we were informed that Azaylia had relapsed and her leukemia had returned. 💔 Which highlights how aggressive her cancer is and shows how crucial this transplant will be. It also means she will have to go into transplant with Leukaemia, which is far from what we wanted. We were also told that because of her age and the aggressiveness of her cancer, she is in the high risk category for transplant complications and the poor risk category for transplant success. Hearing that news was absolutely devastating and has made everyday 10x harder for us and hurt even more than it already did! 💔
We go into transplant tomorrow for 4 to 9 months and have been told that it’s going to be incredibly tough, that she is going to be very very poorly and it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better! 😔
But we’re however doing our best to remain strong and positive for our daughter. She made it past the first stage of treatment against the odds and we truly believe that she will do the same this time around! She is a fighter, she will do this and we will be by her side every step of the way! 💯✊🏾❤️ LETS GO CHAMP!
Please keep my beautiful daughter in your prayers 🙏🏾


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