ニック・ナイトのインスタグラム(nick_knight) - 1月19日 05時29分

@timblanks is one of the cleverest and most well informed of any of the fashion writers who grace the front row of the world’s fashion shows. He is also an incredibly lovely and witty man . If you want to know anything about any of the greats of fashion from @garethpughstudio to @rafsimons to @山本耀司 to @グッチ , Tim will know everything good and bad .
We are lucky to have persuaded Tim to give up an hour of his time to talk to 10 members of the public and all the money goes to Charity! If you have any thoughts about ever writing about fashion then this Masterclass is a must ! Or if you just want to hear the best stories about fashion told to you by one of Fashion’s great journalists and real insiders , then get one of the few remaining tickets!

@timblanks ‘s Masterclass is taking place this Thursday 21 January 2021 and it's one not to be missed. Whether your are a fashion journalist or any follower of fashion, this class will offer exclusive insights and advice on how best to navigate industry demands, while still being heard loud and clear. ⠀

Tickets are priced at £100 as a charity donation. To secure your place email your interest to tim.tickets@showstudio.com.⠀


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