湊ジュリアナのインスタグラム(julianaminato) - 1月21日 20時27分

良かったらストーリーから入ってSwipe upして内容と商品の成分をcheckしてみてね!もちろん相性はあると思うけどいつも応援してくれてるみんなにはおすすめで大好きな物しか紹介しないよ!是非試してもらいたい!すごくお得な値段になってるの!I always use haricchi products specially their Premium _Rich Plus Serum that makes my skin brighter, tighter, and very moistured. It has lot of components that are great for anti-aging. Now they released a facial roller that are made with tiny needles that helps the rich product penetrates the skin easily. It doesn’t really hurt if you use it properly. You have to roll it very gently and slow so you don’t hurt your skin and you don’t get red.
They are giving a special offer from the link I left on my instagram story for a limited time where you get The Premium Serum + 3 facial masks + Facial roller.
Just to have an idea the Serum itself used to be 13,000yen . This Deal is unreal! You can not miss this chance! I only recommend products that are really good and that I use for my followers and friends that i love and I really recommend this! For more info, Swipe up on my story to check the content and the product quality!

#美肌 #アンチエージング #鍼 #肌の悩み #敏感肌 #スキンケア #オススメスキンケア #ハリッチ #haricchi #ターンオーバー #ハリ #ニキビ #ニキビ跡 #美白 #トーンアップ #リフトアップ #小顔


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





