テイラーRのインスタグラム(taytay_xx) - 1月27日 11時23分

Sweet Potato Balls 🍠 they’re like sweet potatoes, mochi, and tapioca balls rolled into one heavenly morsel😌👌🏻

-2 medium sweet potatoes or yams (~450g) *I used yams bc I find the sweet potatoes in HK not sweet/soft enough
-1/4 cup sugar
-1 cup of glutinous rice flour (or you can use tapioca flour
-1/4 cup of corn starch (this makes them crispy)
-vegetable oil for cooking
-optional: mozzarella cheese

-peel, chop, and steam sweet potatoes until soft (about 10 min)
-add them to a bowl and let them cool for 10 min before mashing, adding in the sugar, and flours. You may need to add more of both flours (or maybe even less) into the mixture until you get a soft but not sticky dough-like texture depending on the consistency of your potatoes
-pinch some dough and roll into once inch balls
-heat vegetable oil in a pan (1 inch thick) over low heat until it’s ready to deep fry (370-375 degrees F or use wooden spoon method to check)
- add your dough balls and cook for 2 min over low heat, turning them frequently
- increase the heat to medium/low and cook for 4 more minutes, turning them frequently
-remove and serve
-optional: flatten the dough ball, add some cheese, roll it into a ball and deep fry it using the same method 🧀✨

Recipe adapted from gardenfood1 (tiktok)


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