アレックス・パッチシオのインスタグラム(alex_puccio89) - 2月3日 03時52分

About a week back into climbing. Body is quickly remembering how to exercises and handle the stress load.
Still not back to normal, BUT what is normal?
Leaning to Accept a “New Normal” for myself right now.
- my sleep doesn’t need to be perfect. My mood doesn’t need to be perfect. Learning to accept where I am at with my insomnia right now and not dwell or stress over it is hard, but I’m getting a bit better at it every day as I go through different types of therapy, mental and psychical.
As I connect with so many Others that are going through or have gone through this it shows that we are never alone and can all lean on each other. ☺️
We ALL face difficulties in life and some we can conquer quicker than others, but what doesn’t break us makes us stronger in SO many ways that we will not even expect.
Self help and self love is not as easy as one might think. Learning to become more mindful and appreciate what is in my life and all around me rather than constantly thinking about the things that make me feel uncomfortable or worrisome.
Take a breath and look around from time to time and see how it feels! 🙏
#cometogether #slefhelp #helpeachother #loveyourself #mentalhealth #mindfulness

@scarpana @organicclimbing @frictionlabs @evn_cbd


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