チェルシー・ルーズのインスタグラム(chelseanicholerude) - 2月3日 04時22分

Tomorrow is 3 weeks post left shoulder labrum repair. Recovery isn’t just sitting around, anymore. Although sleeping upright is still needed here and there 😒. Recovery is working on passive & and assisted active ROM as well as continuing to condition my right side. Conditioning my right side with shoulder and lat specific exercises as well as isometric fingerboard pulls (feet are on ground) will make it a lot easier for my left side to catch up once I’m able to actively move it without assistance - hopefully in 2 more weeks!

Another HUGE part of recovery is continuing to have fun 🤩 and for me, visualizing a strong recovery. People say this left shoulder is my “bad” shoulder but even through my right shoulder surgery nearly 3 years ago, I’ve never called anything on my body bad. This is now my surgical side and I know from experience, it will be stronger in the end than it ever has been.

Cheers for a positive mindset, wonderful support, and embracing the process.


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