animalsのインスタグラム(babyanmlpics) - 2月11日 13時20分

Never give up 🥺❤️
Here is a little story about @thelilacfrenchie's (Hudson) journey through spinal surgery ❤️

"When Hudson was a puppy he went paralyzed in his back two legs! Right away we started trying to figure out what happened, we hit many dead ends but many many vet appointments later we found out he had kyphosis and needed spinal surgery! The only chance at a normal life for Hudson was spinal surgery but even with that the vet said he hadn’t seen a case this bad and wasn’t sure if he would ever walk.

Once we decided to go ahead with the surgery Hudson spent a week in San Diego and I stayed at a hotel near by visiting everyday as many times as a could! Once we brought him home it was crate rest for a few weeks and then physical therapy in hopes he would gain feeling in his back two legs! From his first kick with his back legs to his first steps again Hudson fought like a frenchie through it all! Today Hudson is a crazy puppy with a slightly silly walk but pain free and happy🤍

This little video is just a glimpse into what life was like for him with kyphosis and how hard he fought! Hudson has come a long way 🤍"
Video by: @thelilacfrenchie


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Michelle Lewinのインスタグラム
Michelle Lewinさんがフォロー

