デイヴ・アスプリーのインスタグラム(dave.asprey) - 2月17日 23時07分

In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, Dr. Sophia Kogan is back on our show to share brand new research about hair loss and thinning.

Stress affects our hair throughout our entire lifetime, but during this past pandemic year, it’s been worse than ever. When we’re suffering from a bunch of stress (whether physical or emotional), the body pulls its resources to preserve its life internally, not hair growth.

We all experience stress differently, so it’s generally important to take time in your day for something that brings you into a flow state, says Dr. Kogan. “Each person is going to be really different, but they've got to feel a feeling of calmness because that's when you calm the nervous system,“ she says.

Check out episode 793 to learn more about Dr. Kogan’s research, ways to manage your stress, and nutraceutical solutions for hair thinning and loss.

PS. Dr. Kogan is also the co-founder and Chief Medical Advisor at @nutrafol. The company creates supplements to decrease shedding and increase hair growth. Go to nutrafol.com and use promo code DAVE to save 20% off your first order 😏!

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