チェルシー・ハンドラーのインスタグラム(chelseahandler) - 2月20日 09時47分

I am grateful to be able to appreciate so much Canadian beauty. Coming to Canada for winter (on a work visa and following all the mandatory quarantine rules) has exposed me to some of the most beautiful pieces of nature I have ever seen. This is the place that made me fall in love with skiing, fall in love with the mountains, and appreciate that Mother Nature is always in control, and that we must respect her and we must respect each other. Coming to Canada after our election and during Covid was like walking into civilization for the first time in 4 years. No one in Canada argues about wearing a mask to protect others. People here respect Mother Nature and have taught me how important it is to be connected to this earth we are guests on. This is not our home. We are only guests. 
And to all the Canadian women who have demonstrated such emotional and physical fierceness, I would like to say thank you for welcoming me and for guiding me towards kindness, mindness, and gratitude. Let the evolution continue! 👧🏼 I am becoming a mountain woman!


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