Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 2月20日 12時32分

I joined Clubhouse a few days ago. Mike has CNBC on 24 hours a day and it was literally all they talked about, so when a friend invited me, I decided to check it out. I’m now somewhat obsessed. It’s interesting. Everything I’ve ever done online or in social media has been through the lens of being a mom. So those are the only tables I’m ever invited to. Working moms, blogging moms, social media moms. Now I’m hopping around, listening to leaders in the online space (they call it the “creator economy” 🤪) and I’m like- they don’t know that much more than I do. Last night, I was listening to brand strategists critiquing people’s Instagram accounts and I started clicking on the accounts and realized, oh my god. These are all brand strategists with Instagram accounts about brand strategy!!! Hundreds of them! All posting carousels of industry tips. It was like entering an Instagram bizarro world. The LinkedIn of Instagram. Someone they were critiquing had posted a selfie with a friend and they used that as an example of what not to post. “What value are you giving your audience with this pic?” Then the moderator literally said, “If I see anyone post pics of their kids, I unfollow. I’ll excuse one kid pic but not two.” Then they criticized someone for having way too much text. Hahahaha. I can’t imagine what they would think of my account! Next I went into a social marketing room and someone was asking a panel of experts about how to market her skin cream. They’re talking about Facebook ads and B2B advertising and I’m like oh my god, why is no saying to just have a few beauty influencers post on their story! I’ve raised my hand to speak a few times but so far, I’ve never been called on 🙃 Anyway, I am really enjoying the space but clearly I have to find the mom table in there! If you are on clubhouse, follow me at @ ilanawiles. Then let’s make our own club 😎


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