ル・ユースのインスタグラム(leyouth) - 2月26日 05時15分

Today I put out a new EP titled “Colour” on @thisneverhappenedlabel. Link in bio.

Just thinking… This last year has been a roller coaster for me (not surprising, I know). Really high peaks and deep, deep, deep, valleys. Learning new things about myself, mental health, existential absurdities, losing friends… but through it all, music has been a constant. In fact, it’s the most cathartic experience I’m aware of: getting a new song finished, making a private SoundCloud link public, getting texts from friends when they catch my music on the radio, seeing the play count go up (I’m only human). These are all the reasons I dropped out of college and left my hometown to follow my passion. Absolutely no regrets there.

Music has allowed me to travel the world, meet all of you, chase my dream, and go to clubs well past the normal clubbing age (ha). It's how I met my fiance, and nearly all of my friends. I don’t know where I would be without it.

If you had told me 10 years ago I’d still be doing this, I wouldn’t have believed you. And I don’t take a minute of it for granted. Whether you’ve streamed my music, shared it with friends, or said hi at a show, thank you for letting me in and allowing me to keep chasing my dream.

So, today my EP came out on what I think is the most exciting record label in electronic music right now, @thisneverhappenedlabel. Not a major label or an indie, an artist-run label. Daniel/ @lane8music has created a new space for this niche in electronic music and has grown an amazing family of artists and listeners and I’m so happy to be a part of it.

One last thing, I’d like to dedicate the track “Goodbye” from the Colour EP to my friend Garrett who lost his battle with depression at the end of last year. If you’re struggling with your mental health, you’re not alone. Talk to someone. People love you. My DMs are always open <3


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