澄那シュトゥーダーのインスタグラム(suminastuder) - 3月14日 01時33分

In a time where life throws all kinds of unpredictable moments at us, I've realized that it is comforting to resort to habitual tendencies to distract oneself rather than tackling overwhelming tasks head-on. Realization is the very first step towards self-improvement, and it's definitely something I feel that requires to be observed with attentive practice 🧐
The same goes for improving on the violin - rather than hours and hours of mindless practice, it saves a lot more time & energy to observe oneself, followed by factual feedback (rather than emotional).
I love how playing an instrument (both as a hobby or professionally!) can translate into a lot of life lessons 😌 Discipline, time management, smart working, social development... if done right, we can learn so much from playing an instrument.
I also love how it makes you confront yourself - when you get frustrated, it can be easy to mistake your frustration to be directed at the instrument itself, when the reality is that the instrument is an object that, although beautiful on its own, would not do much without YOU bringing it to life. 😊 Loving music means that it means a lot to us. If something means a lot to us, it means that we can get frustrated if we don't perform up to our expectations. So being a musician, no matter if professional or not, makes us confront ourselves, our own habits, and our tendencies when we're the most frustrated and vulnerable. We're exposed to ourselves in those moments, we can't hide from ourselves.
So next time you feel frustrated - reevaluate your approach. Reevaluate rationally, as if you were giving useful feedback to someone you care about. Always practice self-love when being critical with yourself. It will save you a lot of frustration - and improve you efficiently, too 😉 #practicesmarter


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