Jason G. Sturgillのインスタグラム(jgspdx) - 4月10日 06時12分

Who here has an opinion about NFTs? Well I just minted my first NFT bumper stickers with the homies @cali4niaclub. I still can’t really wrap my head around it all and I’ve had friends on both sides of the argument. Some say it’s an unnecessary drain on natural resources while others say minting an NFT has the same carbon footprint as sending out a tweet. I do know this pocket computer isn’t sustainable and that the art supplies I buy use a lot of energy to manufacture. This capitalist system has long worn out it’s use for our societal evolution. The internet most likely wouldn’t be here without capitalism and it has brought us to this place where we are having a global conversation about human rights that is hopefully pushing all of our future collective contributions to something more equitable and ecologically minded. I want to be a part of movements trying to go beyond our broken systems and developing new global ways of existing that do less harm to ourselves and our planet. I know buying digital art isn’t going to accomplish these things but it’s part of one of the many new ideas that will hopefully lead us to a better world.
#digitalart #cryptoart #blockchain #nfts @hicetnunc2000 #NFT #CleanNFT #NFTartists

https://cali4nia.club ✌️ 💗 🌏


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