ティア・ブランコのインスタグラム(tiablanco) - 5月3日 09時30分

Spring inspired 💐👩‍🎨🌳ever since I started painting regularly, I swear every bit of nature seems like a painting coming to life! Almost like I’m seeing the world from a whole new perspective, seeing every highlight on waves, every single leaf on trees, the shadowing in the clouds and every blend of colors on flowers! I just find it interesting because all those intricate details in nature were always there, but painting has allowed me to appreciate it more now! Anyway, I went on a walk around the neighborhood with my doggy & was in awe of spring & all of its glory... all I wanted to do was put everything I saw on a canvas 🤪 Painting gives a little extra light & color to my soul 💫🖼 happy to share this painting to welcome in my favorite month of the year. #art #springflowers #may


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