リンジー・モーガンのインスタグラム(linzzmorgan) - 6月7日 07時27分

Hi Instagram!
I’m back!

I believe in seasons.
Seeding, harvesting and recently, silence.
I needed a season of silence.
I’ve shifted so much internally and energetically as a person this last 1.5 years (the one good thing from this pandemic) that I didn’t find the joy in IG as I once did before.

I found myself incessantly comparing and picking myself apart and ...overall more disconnected from others and within.
I decided to try the one thing I hadn’t. To take a step back, a pause and really understand and explore “why do I do this?” “Why do I post?” “What do I post?””Does it bring me joy?” “Had it before and how has that changed?” “Evolved? Like I had?”

I know it seems kind of meaningless... but also social media and our online presence/connection fuels so much of our existence, identity and the thoughts and images that run silently in our sub conscious now (IMO).

I decided I only really like posting when I can be sharing something positive, helping others or feeling creative and expressive.

Authenticity brings me joy and anything other than that, I can’t subscribe to no longer.

I took this video when I was feeling particularly disheartened about my appearance (most don’t know but I’ve been struggling with adult acne for about 2 years now andddd it still blows LOL amongst some other internal health issues I’ve been trying to heal), I’m in make up, about to get ready for work, on a day I did not want to be in front of camera, when my job is to shine and empower confidence and radiance...when mentally, I did not feel particularly confident or radiant. Anything, but.

I decided to find my light and shine anyways.
Shine in the only way I could, with my authentic light... and how I feel life for me is forever changed.
I share this with y’all, bc operating from a place of specific & authentic joy & purpose is the only way that really works for me.

Do not feel pressured to do things that don’t serve you or bring you joy or because everyone does it or because you are “expected to”.
Explore what actually fulfills you and know that it may change, bc like the seasons, you change.

And even in your darkness, you can always find your light.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



