メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 8月11日 09時32分

I took a bit of a break from my regular zoom schedule but didn’t want to lose touch with my workout Instagram friends!

I’ve taken the month of August and reduced my zooming schedule by 75%. I’ve kept a few groups and privates, but cancelled my open classes until September. I really needed a bit of a pause since unexpectedly doing this for 17 months! It’s been wonderful to travel a bit for work and to spend the rest of my evenings with my family and not in my damp/dark basement but I definitely miss the energy of working with everyone towards the common goal of self improvement!

Here’s a little plank sequence to try until we start zooming again in September!

#plankworkout #figureskatertraining #corestrength


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



