デスモンド・タンのインスタグラム(thedesmondtan) - 11月16日 20時14分

Here's my newly minted @meatzerosg ad which is just launched 😉

After months of keeping it under wraps, I can finally share with you about my new collaboration with @meatzerosg, one of the best-selling plant-based brands in Thailand which has sold over 4 million products since May 2021!
If you are exploring plant-based, 0% meat alternatives just like me, you gotta try their 6 ready-to-eat yummy products available in Singapore. They taste so yummy and delicious!

I'm having lots of fun exploring how to prepare my meals with them. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper, you will be satisfied! 🤤

P.S. Stay tuned for more good news about special giveaways!

@meatzerosg #meatzerosg #plantbasedfood #smallactionsmillionimpact


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



