AFIのインスタグラム(afireinside) - 11月21日 08時27分

“I recall three things about this shoot: headphones, cupcakes, and a kiss. For the headphones story, I must direct you to our beloved Luke Wood who signed AFI to Dreamworks and, upon our Interscope acquisition, immediately saw the shape of things to come. At our new label, Luke went side by side with Jimmy Iovine and, as you likely know, Jimmy cared a lot about Dre Beats. After many failed solicitations, these headphones finally made an appearance in #Medicate. This acquiescence did bolster our priority at Interscope records but as result five pair of golden #CrashLove Beats were created and it made our dear Luke quite happy. That was cool. Also cool were the cupcakes. Rich Costey showed up to set carrying a dozen in a massive box. Our mixing engineer had come to celebrate. At the time, vegan cupcakes were still rare - yet, with resolve, I abstained. From the green room, the enormous cakes haunted me as AFI performed. I knew that dancing and singing while full of sugar wasn’t the best idea, though frosting breath might not have been terrible. I had an upcoming kiss. The shot was making me anxious. Were the kiss part of some greater character development, I’d have been at entirely at ease, but the narrative in the video was loose. I felt like I was just playing myself and thereby it felt strange. Nevertheless, the warmness of the actor, her boyfriend’s presence, and fervid tooth brushing set me at ease. In the end, the edit de-emphasized the rare moment of affection, freezing it in ’09. Hours after the shot, the production wrapped, and I had a cupcake. They were Waffle flavored. We all presumed this unsavory, but after trying my first, I made far too many trips to Burbank on those infrequent and random days that Waffle was the Yummycakes flavor of the month. That’s right. To me, Medicate Video = Cupcake.” - @DaveyHavok #AFI30


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