セルジオのインスタグラム(monkandbean) - 11月26日 00時51分

Cat mom here 🙋🏼‍♀️:
I just shared this video in our stories, but then after thinking about it I felt like it was a good post considering it’s a day of giving thanks.
This is Tulip, also known as Tula or Tuleeee. Some of you already know her, some of you don’t.
Tulip is a stray who was fending for herself and found her way into our lives in the winter of 2018 (if I remember correctly).
She started to come sit by our steps outside and stare into my windows. She was feral, would not let me touch her, but clearly expressed a desire to be loved. I started feeding her, but could not do more for her because I was renting at the time.
Monk & Bean often sat near her outside when on their leashes. They all seemed to get along rather well.

For those of you who recall, I ended up having to move because the landlords decided to demo the house and rebuild. Around that same time our girl Puppi (@burmaadventurecat ) was receiving chemo at Virginia Tech several states away. Stephen trapped Tulip and took her with him to Virginia to care for her while also caring for our girl Puppi. What a hero!
Fast forward to now- Tulip lives with all of us (@burmaadventurecat ) in a cozy log cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She now allows me to pet her and she’ll even take treats from my hand.
She’s still very shy and very skittish, but oh so grateful for warmth, a full belly, safety and love.
There’s something so amazing about animals. They are true survivors. She once lived in the harshest of winter conditions in a neighborhood on the water in NY with temps that often dropped to the teens and below. What a warrior!
The vet estimated her to be about 10 years old. I have no idea what her story was prior to showing up on my steps, but I can guarantee her that for the rest of her days she will know what love and home feels like.

Thank you Tula for coming into our lives and Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends on IG. We love you all and wish you health & happiness. Today and Always. ♥️


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