OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 3月16日 07時56分

Repost from @drbirute - When it comes to orangutan rescue, the work of OFI never sleeps. In early March OFI and the BKSDA agency of the Indonesian Forestry Department rescued a wild orangutan male named Togorin from a palm oil plantation in the province of Central Kalimantan in Borneo, where we work. In this video an indigenous Dayak OFI ranger uses a blowgun and medicinal dart to tranquillize Togorin who protests loudly. He moves down in the tree. The next step is to catch him safely as he falls to the ground so the OFI vet can examine him on the spot to ensure Togorin is healthy and not injured before we translocate him to a safe forest and release him back to the wild and freedom. #saynotopalmoil #orangutanrescue #saveorangutans


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