レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 4月7日 05時22分

From @nowthisearth: A United Nations report from more than 50 researchers around the world has found that global warming, even in moderate scenarios, will increase the global risk of highly devastating wildfires by up to 30% by 2050 and 52% by 2100; this increases to 57% by 2100 if the world doesn’t stop emitting greenhouse gasses and the planet continues to heat up. Researchers say places, including the Arctic, could be facing higher risk than other areas of the globe.

The report says that nations need to recognize this risk and take steps in preparation. Many countries (including the U.S.) tend to prioritize reactive steps such as short-term firefighter response, as opposed to mitigation planning.

A second report in the journal Nature last week found that nighttime fire intensity and flammable nighttime hours increased globally as well. Typically, fires weaken during the night due to lower temps and higher humidity, but warmer, drier air has contributed to an increase in nighttime fires. An example of this is in the Western U.S., which has seen a 28% increase in fire intensity during the night over the past 20 years.


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