ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 5月29日 07時55分

My friend @thetravissnyder is battling like the warrior he is and he is also dedicated to creating more awareness and support for @bethematch

#bethematch and their registry exists to support those with blood cancers. Leukemia affects both young and old and the ability for those affected to find a donor match through the database can make all the difference.

Currently the registry has, relatively speaking, extremely low numbers of potential donors. This is where we can support.

Here are some stats:

*Every year 130,000 Americans will be diagnosed with a serious blood disease.

*Among those are many children because leukemia (my friends same illness) is the most common childhood cancer.

*Inside each of us are magical cells that potentially match someone else. If you think about it, it is pretty amazing. For many of these patients the only cure is to replace their faulty immune systems with a healthy one.

*There is a global database that holds these matches but as of right now, only 2% of the population is on it. Think about how small that is!?! The current organ donation registry that you check with your drivers license is around 55%

Please head to: https://bethematch.org
It’s so simple. It’s such a no-brainer. It is a beautiful act of loving kindness in so many ways. Please support and share if it resonates ✨



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