Meredith Fosterのインスタグラム(meredithfoster) - 11月15日 09時10分

I designed a sweatshirt & it’s for sale now on @clothedinloveboutique 🥳 My proceeds will be going to help support women @bochysplace 🦋 Link in bio!

Come as you are, King Jesus sees your scars. The same hands that formed your inner being, that same hands that count all the hairs on your head, the same hands that formed the cosmos, were pierced for the sins of the world because Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son loves us extravagantly. The joy set before Him was to see you free and forgiven by His blood 🩸

I thought love was what I saw in pornography as a child. I was confused and quite honestly embarrassed to tell anyone what I was experiencing but there was Grace for the shame I felt. Jesus, waiting for me with open arms. He just poured grace upon grace. Shame is heavy, Grace is light. His love was patient, his love was kind. He wasn’t like my other love interests who always wanted something from me, he Gave to me when I had nothing to give. This was real love. Selfless. Faithful. Constant. Pure.

Whatever you saw, it is not your fault.
Whatever happened, it is not your fault.
Whatever you did, there is no place His mercy and grace will not find you.

Jesus never has shame or condemnation but mercy and compassion for you. When people want to throw stones, He showers kindness. Jesus is a gentleman and is pursuing us with pure intentions. He will hold and heal your heart with care and tenderness. You are not the harsh words spoken, mean comments, or labels from the past. You are a dearly loved daughter, cherished and precious to your Heavenly Father who formed you and knit you together and calls you by name! Jesus Christ is the way, truth, and life no one comes to the Father but through Him!

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” Your new life is hidden in Christ. You are entangled into Him. You are blameless, innocent, and righteous by the blood of Jesus! God throws all of our sins, past mistakes, regrets, and mess ups -- all of it -- and they fully drown in His love!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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