Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 11月16日 02時38分

Bobbi Wilson, a fourth grade student in Caldwell, New Jersey, was merely testing a homemade spray against the invasive lanternfly species on her street when a neighbor — a former Republican official — called the cops on her.

“The morning of October 22, our neighbor [Gordon Lawshe] called the police, identified himself and reported, ‘There’s a little black woman walking, spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees. I don’t know what the hell she is doing, it scares me though,’ and included that she was wearing a hoodie,” Wilson’s mother Monique Joseph, said during a mayor and council meeting on Nov. 1, according to local outlet The Progress.

Wilson, 9, learned about regional “see it, squish it” campaigns to help stop the spread of the lanternflies while writing a school paper on their environmental impact. After finding a nontoxic spray recipe on TikTok, she went outside to test it ― only for Lawshe’s call to scare her from going outside again, according to BuzzFeed News.

“Racism, intentional or not, is still racism,” said Joseph at the town council meeting. “To hear my neighbor using triggering words that have resulted in the deaths of too many Black and brown children and adults at the hands of the police: ’Black,’ ‘hoodie,’ ‘I’m scared.’”

Joseph’s other daughter Hayden, 13, spoke at the meeting as well. She said Wilson wasn’t even on Lawshe’s property when he called 911, that he’s known their family for ages — and has been their neighbor for nearly eight years now.

Watch her speech here, and read more at our link in bio.


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