オリビア・カルポのインスタグラム(oliviaculpo) - 11月28日 06時17分

Tomorrow all new episode of #theculposisters 9/8c on @TLC ❤️ In today’s society, women are not empowered to be the expert of our own body. Being made to feel like my chronic pain was an overreaction was disheartening and confusing. Who was I to disagree with not one, not two, but many highly educated and well-intending doctors? Funny enough, it was the stories I found on Reddit forums, YouTube videos, and instagram accounts that validated what I knew to be true- that my symptoms were not normal and the doctors were wrong. After dozens of wrong turns, I finally landed on the truth, which was that I had severe endometriosis and needed surgery if there was any hope to salvage my reproductive organs. If it wasn’t for those who shared their stories on random blog posts, I never would have found the courage to keep advocating for myself. It’s a gift to be able to pay it forward by sharing my story. I hope that if nothing else this is a reminder to trust yourself above all and fight for yourself even if it feels like you’re a one woman army! I love hearing your stories over DM so much- so grateful for our little endo community on here ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




