Rettaのインスタグラム(unforettable) - 12月25日 17時46分

This is my tree. It is a symbol of what I clung onto when I couldn’t see my family for Christmas the past two years. Christmas is my favorite time of year and when I was stuck in the house, this thing got a lot of my attention. It’s 3:30 in the morning and in about 2 and half hours my nephews will be up champing at the bit to check if ol’ dude did ‘em right this year and I couldn’t be more grateful.

We’ve all been THROUGH it these past few years and I’m hoping you all had something to help get you over the “hump” (more like a lump if you ask me) of the pandemic. I still can’t believe we just went thru a fkn global pandemic! Sheesh. I’m grateful to have had my tree to obsess over cuz mami was going a li’l coocoo for coco puffs and learning how to make bread wasn’t it for me. I do however need to get back to my Italian lessons. 🤌🏾🤌🏾

Murry Crimuh errybody! 🎄🎅🏾 🦌


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