ライアン・エゴールドのインスタグラム(ryaneggold) - 1月18日 01時47分

Man this show has meant a lot to me… I’m proud of the many stories we’ve been able to tell over these five years. I’m proud to bring a little life to the character based on Eric Manheimer a real life hero. I’m proud to ask the question “How can I help?” I’m proud of all the incredible work, hours and days and months and years of hard work, from our intrepid crew who don’t get enough credit. They feel like a second family now. This cast from the beginning to the end… man we’ve been through it all. I love you guys SO much. You’re so talented and you’ve inspired me so often. I’m grateful to work for @nbc the best boss for so many years now.

Most importantly I’m grateful for the people I’ve met along the way that have come up to me and told me that an episode or a moment meant something to them. Or that they watch the show from the hospital with their grandma in bed. Or they too have wrestled with the juggernaut that is cancer. Or that they laughed or cried or maybe thought differently about something. To the #DamFam that has been on this journey since the early days I say from the bottom of my heart thanks for taking this journey with me. To the semi truck driver who leaned out his window and shouted “Hey Max - what can I do!” I say fuck ya to that guy. To that girl who started crying in the cab on her way to chemo while we stopped traffic in the street for a long hug and a laugh I say God bless you. I have met so many people I never would have met because of this show. And I am deeply grateful for that.

I’m so glad we did this show. It was a F%ckin blast ❤️

📷 @drlawyercop

@nbcnewamsterdam @nbc @peacocktv @ネットフリックス


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