H.J.Freaksのインスタグラム(h.j.freaks) - 3月20日 20時01分

【激發萬人的變態基因之Bassist H.J.Freaks 亞洲迴演!】(English below)



今年四月,HJ Freaks 將會進行連走兩站嘅亞洲迴演(香港、泰國)。事實上,若果大家記得,三年前呢場H.J.Freaks就係香港封關當晚突然宣布腰斬嘅表演,亦正正係H.J.Freaks臨上飛機前一刻被告知拒絕入境嘅當晚。最後臨急臨忙搵咗幾隊好友樂隊仗義出手,同時間成為This Town Needs場地嘅最後一場Live。今次可以再次邀請到H.J.Freaks到港演出,算係報答各位喺當陣時嘅理解。三年後嘅今日,由NEON LIT再次將可愛性感大叔帶到大家面前。


H.J.Freaks Live in Hong Kong 2023

日期Date:25 Apr 2023(TUE)
時間Time:19:00 OPEN | 20:00 START
地點Venue:Music Zone @ Emax
演出者 Artist:H.J.Freaks(KR)
票價Ticket Price : HKD480 ADV | HKD580 Walk-in
門票開售日期Ticket Open:20 Mar 2023(MON) 19:00
主辦 Organizers:NEON LIT
協辦 Co-organizer:THIS TOWN NEEDS_
*只設電子票 e-ticket only

【2023 Asia Tour for the hentai super bassist H.J.Freaks!】

Underwear, a JK bassist, and miniskirts? H.J. Freaks, a hentai maid uncle, has become a hot topic in bass cover videos thanks to his gifted bass playing and pretty dresses. On YouTube and Twitch, you can find his anime bass covers, city pop bass covers, and even videos where he builds his own 10-string bass guitar. However, throughout that 4-minute bass cover, you will find yourself constantly self-judging on where you should put focus on. And with his right hand being so close to the edge of his miniskirts, where the hell should you focus on? Unlike you, I would prefer to take advantage of the opportunity to admire the enigmatic area and watch for the unexpected leg spread.

But wait a second, you don't need any more videos to see this elegance. We are excited to announce the H.J. Freaks Asia Tour, which will visit Thailand and Hong Kong in late April 2023. Will he have any surprises for us? Stay tuned for more information!

*Thailand stage info will announce soon!

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#HJFreaksAsiaTour #HJFreaksAsiaTour2023
#neonlit #neonlitHK
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#HKArt #HKMusic #HKConcert #hkshow


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