ボブ・マーリーのインスタグラム(bobmarley) - 4月8日 05時18分

Rasta remembers. 60 years since the Coral Gardens Massacre in Jamaica, which took place on Good Friday in 1963.

Coral Gardens was home to a small-scale Rasta farming operation, but the government wanted to convert the area into a tourist destination, and would frequently send police to evict the community. In one such incident in 1961, police attacked Rasta sympathizer Rudolph Franklyn, shooting him six times in the stomach, and then, on the grounds of cannabis possession, arrested him once he got out of the hospital, and sentenced him to six months in prison.

In response, citizens burnt down a gas station and killed a policeman in Coral Gardens. This caused widespread brutality against Rastas across the island. Then Prime Minister of Jamaica, Alexander Bustamante, is said to have ordered that all Rastas be shot on sight.

People were hunted like wild animals in every crevice and corner of Jamaica. To survive, Rastas and even non-Rastas with beards and long hair had to get rid of them. But a large majority of them remained faithful. Many were killed along the way, and it was this prolonged tribulation that led to Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I’s historic state visit to Jamaica on April 21, 1966.

#neverforget #RASTAFARI #Jamaica #nothingchangenothingmove

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