Aka SCUBA CHARLOTTEのインスタグラム(charlottegshore) - 4月8日 19時39分

I know I need to stop being hard on myself! BUT I also need to get some self discipline back! It’s not gunna happen over night I know that but it’s also not gunna happen if I’m shovelling shit in my mouth ALL OF THE TIME and not getting myself up and active! I’ve put on all of the weight I lost in January! And I’m feeling like CRAP. The weathers getting nicer and I want to feel I can enjoy this summer being active and healthy and full of bean! While feeling confident again!!!!! So I’m back being more strict with my @blitznburn routine 🙌🏼👊🏼💪🏼 watch this space.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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