市川渚のインスタグラム(nagiko) - 4月17日 20時01分

今年もKYOTOGRAPHIE @kyotographie の季節がやってきたよ。2023年の会期は〜5/13まで。先週末は2日間のプレスツアーに参加させていただいて、ほとんどの会場を見てきました。



1&3_高木由利子 at 二条城
4_石内都 at 誉田屋源兵衛
5_ジョアナ・シュマリ at 出町枡形商店街
6_松村和彦 at 八竹庵(旧川崎家住宅)
7_ジョアナ・シュマリ at 両足院
8_ココ・カピタン at 大西清右衛門美術館

京都は街歩きが楽しい季節🫶KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭は、5/13まで開催中です。

KYOTOGRAPHIE, the annual photography festival, has come around again this year. I participated in a two-day press tour over the weekend and saw most of the programs.

One of the interesting aspects of KYOTOGRAPHIE is facing photographs in places not designed initially to exhibit them, such as temples, castles, obi houses, and the living spaces of Chagama (tea kettle) makers' families. It must be challenging to create a relationship between the historical spaces and the artworks, but each artist's individuality is shown in how they manage to do so. I always enjoy thinking about this aspect as I walk through the venues.

Even artworks that I have seen before can appear different depending on where they are exhibited. Along with the wind, smells, humidity, and light in the space, I engrave in my memory what I felt when looking at the artwork.

Kyoto is in the great season to explore on foot! KYOTOGRAPHIE Kyoto International Photography Festival runs until May 13.

#kyotographie #kyotographie2023 #kyotographieborder


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