NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 4月21日 04時10分

Houston, we have Posty⁣

As we approach #EarthDay, watch @ポスト・マローン get astronaut-struck as he chats with two crew members aboard the @国際宇宙ステーション, Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg.⁣

Hear the astronauts talk about their favorite views from the orbiting laboratory, how their unique perspective changed how they see Earth, and what makes our home special. ⁣

Video description: The video cuts between timelapse footage of the ISS as it flies over Earth, to Post Malone as he talks with Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg, who float in the orbiting laborartory. Posty is wearing a black shirt with white accents, and the astronauts are wearing blue polos and khakis.⁣

Editor: Mitch Youts⁣
Producers: Bert Ulrich, Dylan Mathis⁣
Music from Universal Production Music⁣
Credit: NASA⁣

#PostMalone #NASA #Space #ISS #Crew6 #Earth


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