片山正通のインスタグラム(masamichi_katayama) - 4月24日 11時10分

ナイキ エア・ジョーダン誕生の物語を描いた映画 “ AIR ” を観た。 ( ベン・アフレック製作/監督/出演、マット・デイモン製作/主演 )
( この映画の主人公である、ソニー・ヴァッカロさんにもお会いしました! )
また私事ですが、ショップ作りに携わらせて頂いた2006年 “ UNIQLO” のNY /SOHOにグローバルフラッグシップをオープンさせてからの10年間、ファーストリテイリング社が世界進出してゆく軌跡を思い出し、思わず涙が溢れてしまいました。
ある意味予想を裏切る( ある意味地味 )構成ながら、見応え十分な作品です。!!!

@ 109シネマズ二子玉川



I watched the movie "AIR" which tells the story of the birth of Nike Air Jordan. ( Produced/Directed/Starring Ben Affleck, Produced/Starring Matt Damon )
The story of a brand/athlete who is shaken by various tactics proceeds with a sense of realism as if you were in that time/place. It is a miraculous story of how a company becomes a world leader through a certain opportunity.
I was assigned to do the interior design of the NIKE Harajuku store that opened in 2009, and I remember visiting the headquarters in Beverton, Oregon, and hearing from many executives.
( I also met the main character of this film, Sonny Vaccaro! )
On a personal note, I was moved to tears as I recalled Fast Retailing's global expansion over the past 10 years since the opening of the UNIQLO global flagship in New York/SOHO in 2006, when I was involved in the design of the store.
In a way, the film is unexpected (in a way, it is simple), but it is well worth watching!

@ 109 Cinemas Futakotamagawa

I was 18 years old in 1984, and the songs selected from the hit charts on TV and radio in the 80's were so lame and great.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




