詩歩のインスタグラム(shiho_zekkei) - 4月25日 18時57分

📷 20th April 2023

📍長野県 中綱湖のオオヤマザクラ / Lake Nakatsuna , Nagano Japan @shinano.omachi_navi

長野県大町市にある仁科三湖のひとつ #中綱湖 のオオヤマザクラ🌸






長野県の写真はこのタグでまとめています / Photos of this area can be found in this tag.→ #shiho_nagano

I was finally able to see it on my third try. Oyamazakura (Cherry Blossoms) at #LakeNakatsuna , one of the three lakes of Nishina in #OmachiCity , Nagano Prefecture. I have visited this lake many times before, but it is really difficult to predict the blooming of cherry blossoms here!

The cherry blossoms in full bloom (mid-April to early May)/ A windless day / A clear day

After two previous visits that did not meet these conditions, this year I was able to pinpoint these three conditions and decided to visit the day before to see the cherry blossoms! The Oyamazakura cherry trees stood quietly in the darkness, and their expressions changed from moment to moment as the sun rose. Luckily there was no wind, so we were able to see the beautiful reflection on the lake! I've seen many photos of the lake after sunrise, but I personally prefer the quiet and magical time of day when there is no sunlight. I was very happy to be able to see it.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



