片山正通のインスタグラム(masamichi_katayama) - 5月27日 14時51分

監督/脚本 シャーロット・ウェルズの手による長編デビュー作 “ aftersun /アフターサン ” ( 監督の自伝的作品らしいです。)を観てきた。
アンニュイな印象が強い作品で、あくまでも個人的な感想ですが、もう少し作家の作為が見えた方が良いのかもって感じました。( この父親にどうしても感情移入してしまって・・・ )
少し期待が大き過ぎたのかなぁ〜率直な感想です。 @ 新宿ピカデリー

I have just seen "aftersun", the debut film by director/screenwriter Charlotte Wells ( apparently it's an autobiographical film by the director).
A young father and his 11-year-old daughter, who live apart from each other, spend a summer vacation together. The film has a unique structure in that the daughter, who has grown up 20 years later, recalls her father in those days in the edited video footage.
No matter how close we are, there is a limit to how much we can understand each other. Since the theme of the film is the minute differences in the quantity and quality of information, there are no major storylines, but it is a work that allows the viewer to create their own interpretation of the story.
The work leaves a strong impression of ennui, and although it is just my personal opinion, I felt that it would be better if the artist's artifice was more apparent. ( I couldn't help getting emotionally involved with the father... )
I guess my expectations were a little too high......my honest opinion. @ Shinjuku Piccadilly


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