ケイト・キャンベルのインスタグラム(cate_campbell) - 6月23日 12時56分

Happy Olympic Day! When I think of all the wonderful things the Olympic movement has given me, a love of exercise is one of them. While I've spent a big chunk of my love doing prescribed workouts in the pool or gym, I recently took an 18 month break from training and discovered the joy of movement - not training, just moving.

Whether it's a walk to the shops or up a mountain, a swim in the ocean or in a lake, a twirl on the grass or swing on the playground. I'm at my happiest and healthiest when I've moved my body in some way - yes physically, but more importantly, mentally.

Scarily the World Health Organization suggests that up to 80% of us aren't moving enough. So I hope this Olympic day you get inspired to find what type movement brings you joy - your mind and body will thank you for it 🙌

Let me know what your favourite movement is!

@オリンピック #LetsMove #OlympicDay


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