長洲未来のインスタグラム(mirainagasu) - 7月30日 17時07分

I can’t be the only one who has never cleaned their skates. I mean, back in the early 2000s I had some white polish that I never used. I decided to try the @jasonmarkk essential kit on my skates to give them the TLC they deserve. Game changer (not an ad!)

The solution is safe to use on leather, suede, unbuckle, nylon, canvas, cotton, etc….dip the brush in the bowl with a little bit of solution, wipe it away with a towel.

What do you think about the results? Would you yay or nay? (I was a little nervous about the water but my skates dried pretty quickly since you don’t need to use a ton of water). 🧽⛸️

#figureskatecare #figureskate #figureskater #figureskaters #clean #cleanfresh #teamusa


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



