湊ジュリアナのインスタグラム(julianaminato) - 8月11日 20時27分

@cosmekitchen_adaptation ヒカリエで@naturalist_tomomi さんとランチしに行って来ました。今年の1月にオープンして、有機、特別栽培、自然栽培など自然に近い素材を使って、沢山のバリエーションがあって全部美味しそうだった🤤無農薬な野菜やサラダたっぷりで、お肉もグラスフェッド!ソルトはヒマラヤのクリスタルソルトに拘ってて、ビーガン、グルテンフリー、ローフード、マクロビオテックもあるから誰でも一緒に美味しくご飯を楽しめる場所です🎶また友達や家族と絶対行く場所🥰♥️今回頼んでみた物は写真にアップしてるよ〜🤤どれも笑顔になれるぐらい美味しくて、オリジナルで食べててハッピーな味でした🤤次親と行った時に頼む物もアップしたよ〜(親は日本語が読めないからいつも前もって見てるのー😂笑)
沢山話して、美味しいご飯食べて幸せな時間でした〜ご飯はそうじゃ無いとね☺️✨ プロデュースされた@kaori.t.adaptation さんの素敵なコンセプトのセンス👏 また次行くの楽しみです〜渋谷でランチする時いつもどこ行くか迷ってたけど、もう間違いないね!😆
I went to have lunch at #cosmekitchen adaptation in Hikarie which Opened in January of 2023, they stick to organic, special cultivation, natural cultivation, and other materials that are close to nature. There were many variations and everything looked delicious. Its Vegan, gluten-free, raw food, macrobiotic and grass fed meat friendly so it's a place where anyone can enjoy delicious food together🎶 I'll definitely go with my friends and family🥰♥️I posted what I ordered this time on the feed.
Everything was so delicious that it made me smile 🤤I took notes of what my parents might like for when I go with them. (My parents can't read Japanese, so I always check in advance 😂 lol)
I had a great time with Tomomi talking a lot and eating delicious food ☺️✨Congratulations to
kaori who produced this wonderful sense of concept 👏 I'm looking forward to going again~ 😆

Fui almoçar no #cosmekitchenadaptation no Hikarie shibuya Inaugurado em janeiro deste ano, eles se atêm ao cultivo orgânico, especial, cultivo natural e outros materiais próximos da natureza. Tem muitas variedades de pratos como vegano, sem glúten, raw food, macrobiótica,grass fed. Com certeza irei com meus amigos e família🥰♥️Postei o que pedi dessa vez no feed. Tava tudo muito gostoso , super original e agora se tornou meu restaura favorito em shibuya. 🤤já até anotei as opções dos pratos que posso pedir quando for com meus pais na próxima vez porque eles não lêem japonês e imagino que eles irão gostar kkk eu sempre verifico antes 😂 eu postei essas opções , quem sabe vocês gostam também ! Parabéns a Kaori san pelo trabalho incrível ✨ sem dúvida ganhou uma cliente ♥️
#コスメキッチンアダプテーション #ヘルシーランチ #ヒカリエ


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





