ANA.IC.MANZA.BEACH.RESORTのインスタグラム(ana.ic.manza.beach.resort) - 8月24日 18時02分


毎週木曜日の#TBT も残すところあと2回となりました。今週も万座の歴史を皆さまと一緒に振り返ります。


最終回の #TBT もお楽しみに。

Celebrating 40th anniversary at ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort!

Only two more #TBT to go to look back on the history of Manza with you.

When former U.S. President Bill Clinton came to Okinawa for the 2000 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit, the entire hotel was reserved for his stay for for security reasons, and metal detectors were installed at the main entrance.

Everything revolved around the summit, as a massive checkpoint was set up on Route 58 in front of the hotel on the road to the main summit venue in Nago City, and all of our employees used a shuttle bus service to go to work at the resort instead of commuting by car.

The second photo was taken at the post summit party where the U.S. press and officials got together at the resort's atrium. Everyone enjoyed the post summit party after all the hard work and so much tension around that was finally over.

See you next weel at the final #TBT.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する


