つじあやののインスタグラム(tsujiayano.ukulele) - 9月5日 07時07分


Good morning.
Moca soft ice cream served from Matterhorn is a summer memory. It's a popular item only available in the summer, so I've always wanted to go and try it, and this summer I finally got it!
In the morning, I went to get my health checkup results and went for it. There was no line at the store, so I felt relieved and strolled around the station. When I returned, there was a long line under the sun.
But I waited in line for 30 minutes thinking that if I missed this opportunity, I might not come again! I thought I would get heat stroke, but I got into the store safely and had a mocha soft serve. That was delicious! When I asked the store staff, they said they sold out in the early afternoon. The restaurant's atmosphere is also amiable, so I will go back next time to try the regular menu. By the way, the limited-time menu for September and October is Matcha Parfait! Furthermore, the results of the medical check were good.

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