UDトラックスのインスタグラム(udtrucksjp) - 9月6日 17時50分

English follows Japanese

UDトラックス・オーストラリアは、50周年にあたる2023年、8リッター・クオンで9カ月かけてオーストラリア一周15,500キロを走破しました。 国道1号線をたどるこの旅は、UDトラックスの創業者である安達堅造が、新車の究極の信頼性を証明するために3,000キロの過酷な旅に出た1939年の伝説的なテストドライブに着想を得たものです。




As we approach the end of 2023, UD Trucks’ 50th year in Australia, we reflect on a nine-month tour completing the 15,500km journey around Australia at the wheel of the heavy-duty 8-litre Quon. Following national Highway 1, the trip was inspired by UD Trucks founder Kenzo Adachi’s legendary 1939 test drive where he embarked on a grueling 3,000 kilometer journey to prove the ultimate dependability of his new vehicle.

While the journey reinforced the dependability and reliability of UD Trucks in Australia, the heart of this journey was about visiting customers along the way - the people that built their business on UD Trucks and that have become a part of the UD family over the years.

Public Relations and Media Manager at Volvo Group Australia and man behind the wheel, reflects on the trip:

“It was a great opportunity to meet the faces of UD, customers and dealers off the beaten track that built the brand here in Australia and made it what it is today. It turns out that the Quon was also very fuel efficient and this truck never ceased to amaze. Even on some of the worst outback roads I encountered, from broken tarmac to corrugated dirt, the trusty Quon delivered a sure footed and comfortable ride!”

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