ティファニー・アルボードのインスタグラム(tiffanyalvord) - 9月14日 23時40分


Loving yourself isn’t always easy & sometimes there’s no “time” but here’s a few simple things to help jumpstart your day and how you feel about yourself. From blah to hurrah!! ☺️ Or drab to fab!? 💁‍♀️

1. Drink a full glass of water. (Seriously go do it!)

2. Make your bed. 🤪 yes I know.. but it’s a simple accomplishment you can do in a minute. Our brain likes accomplishments, so it’s like a free win!

3. Get 5-15 mins of sunshine. (Or fresh air) When you step outside it allows you to recharge. It may be the perfect reset you need to be more focused & productive. ❤️

4. When you see yourself in the mirror, look into your eyes and say one kind thing. (if only negative thoughts come to mind, replace them with 3 nice things!) You’ll start to believe the thoughts you tell yourself (just like you start to believe the lies). Let’s practice kindness!

#5. Last but not least. LISTEN to your body/heart for setting boundaries. Don’t say yes if you don’t feel you have the capacity for something, don’t feel obligated or pressured for xyz, those who love you will understand. So if you’re looking for permission to have a quiet night in, take it, if you feel overextended; breathe. Take care of your heart and recharge. After all you can’t pour from an empty cup and YOU’LL LOVE PEOPLE BETTER when you LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. 🥰


AND GO HYDRATE (I’m watching) no I’m not 🙈

If you’re reading this take a deep breathe. Relax your shoulders, soften your gaze, release the tension your holding, in your arms, body, face. (I legit will go through full days and be in bed thinking why am I SO TENSE.) so breathe and relax. You got this. 👊


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