La Roche-Posayのインスタグラム(larocheposay) - 9月19日 00時59分

Irritated skin can be a real downer. Whether it's scars, burns, sensitivities, dryness, or itchiness, we feel you! That's where CICAPLAST Baume B5+ steps in.
With its impressive healing power range, day after day, it soothes and shields against everyday irritations. And guess what? The results are truly remarkable!

✌️ After 1 use: - 90% of pain sensation and itching.
👍 In 1 week: -51% for redness after 7 days.
👌 In 3 weeks: 70% complete scar recovery.

And you, what are you using CICAPLAST Baume B5+ for? We'd love to hear your stories!

All languages spoken here! Feel free to talk to us at anytime.
#larocheposay #cicaplast #sensitiveskin #scars.
Global official page from La Roche-Posay, France.


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