VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 9月20日 01時14分

Two years ago, Danish artist Jens Haaning was lent $84,000 to recreate earlier works that represented average incomes as real banknotes. Instead, Haaning pocketed the money and presented empty glass frames, with the title "Take the Money and Run".

Now, the museum is asking for the money back.

The museum in question, Kunsten Museum of Modern Art, did display the artworks – but when Haaning refused to return the money, it took legal action.

At the time, Lasse Andersson, director of the Kunsten museum, said they were not a wealthy museum: “We have to think carefully about how we spend our funds, and we don’t spend more than we can afford.” Speaking to a Danish radio, Haaning said the work was simply that: “The work is that I have taken their money. It’s not theft. It is breach of contract, and breach of contract is part of the work.”

Haaning added: “I encourage other people who have working conditions as miserable as mine to do the same. If they’re sitting in some shitty job and not getting paid, and are actually being asked to pay money to go to work, then grab what you can and beat it.”


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