タラ・リピンスキーのインスタグラム(taralipinski) - 9月20日 06時02分

Episode 7 is out! And this one figure skating fans will like.

We discussed how Michelle Kwan and I reconnected last year, over a topic that has obviously become so important to me. If you told me this 25 years ago when she and I were just little teenagers competing at the Olympics, I wouldn’t have believed you.

We have certainly seen each other through the years at events, but this re- connection was a special one.

I’ve always felt a bond with Michelle, how can I not? We have a shared experience together that is quite unique. We competed against each other at the highest level in sport during the height of figure skating popularity. I can explain to people what it feels like to skate to center ice at a competition but you kinda have to live it to understand. Now all these years later being able to have a supportive kinship/friendship and connection seems a bit unexpected in the best way possible.

Last year we had a longggg phone call that was truly beautiful in so many ways. To be able to be vulnerable and open up about these intimate and private moments while bonding through this conversation was very meaningful. It’s what life is about right? Sharing, supporting and building special relationships.

The funny thing is- Michelle and I were “considered” “rivals”. But we were just two elite athletes competing against each other. And during those years, many (thank goodness not all) figure skating fans intensely divided and became either “Michelle fans” or “Tara fans.” And to this day I still get some pretty hateful messages from disgruntled fans.

So what really makes me giggle is Michelle knows my entire story. I hadn’t told many people in my life until now and for all of you listening you are still not caught up yet to where we are currently in our story. But Michelle knows, and over the last year giving her these updates has made me think about what is so amazing about these interactions. Women supporting women. It’s so important. Life is hard and you never know what someone is going through behind closed doors, so be kind. Friendships between women that are supportive and uplifting can make this crazy world a better place. @ミシェル・クワン


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