チャーリー・ハルのインスタグラム(charley.hull) - 9月21日 22時27分

It’s Solheim Cup time and that means Performance is the focus💙💛💙💛

I’ve been working hard in the gym recently, and now you can setup your training sessions like me to see real progress on and off the course⛳️✌️

My Key Tips:

1. Stability so you are balanced and consistent in your golf swing at any speed. Loading the body with a single weight is a great way to get this done, like the single arm Kettlebell Row.

2. Mobility to help you move and feel the way you want in the gym and over the ball. You can use the Seated Torso Rotation for awesome upper body rotation.

3. Speed! We want to swing fast to hit it long and straight! One of the best movements to create a faster swing is the step to rotational med ball slam.

Get your complete Golf Fitness Membership with GOLFWOD and 15% discount in my story!💪🔥

Time to Golf Strong #GOLFWOD


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